This files describes API changes in /webservice/* information provided here is intended especially for developers. This information is intended for authors of webservices, not people writing webservice clients. === 2.9 === * The deprecated functions can not be added to services anymore and a debugging message for developers is triggered when viewing an existing services using them. It is recommended to replace calls to the deprecated functions for calls to the proposed replacements. If you are using a moodle mobile app fork, it is recommended to update your customisations on top of the latest moodle mobile app version. The web services functions that will be finally deprecated in the next moodle version are: - moodle_course_create_courses - moodle_course_get_courses - moodle_enrol_get_enrolled_users - moodle_enrol_get_users_courses - moodle_enrol_manual_enrol_users - moodle_file_get_files - moodle_file_upload - moodle_group_add_groupmembers - moodle_group_create_groups - moodle_group_delete_groupmembers - moodle_group_delete_groups - moodle_group_get_course_groups - moodle_group_get_groupmembers - moodle_group_get_groups - moodle_message_send_instantmessages - moodle_notes_create_notes - moodle_role_assign - moodle_role_unassign - moodle_user_create_users - moodle_user_delete_users - moodle_user_get_course_participants_by_id - moodle_user_get_users_by_courseid - moodle_user_get_users_by_id - moodle_user_update_users - core_grade_get_definitions - core_user_get_users_by_id - moodle_webservice_get_siteinfo * External function core_webservice_external::get_site_info now returns additional optional fields: - advancedfeatures: Array listing Moodle advanced features and if enabled or not. - usercanmanageownfiles: Whether the my files option is disabled. - userquota: User storage quota. - usermaxuploadfilesize: Files upload size limit. === 2.7 === * All webservice server.php and simpleserver.php scripts must define('WS_SERVER', true) before including config.php file. === 2.6 === * webservice/upload.php Accepts 2 new post parameters to allow uploading of files to a users draft area. - filearea should be either 'private' (default) or 'draft' - itemid unused if the filearea is 'private', for 'draft' it can be the id of a previously created draft area - or 0 which will generate a new draft area for the files.